Monday Musings: Bad Blogger

Monday Musing: I've been a Bad Blogger

I’ve been a bad blogger!

There is an image of the perfect blogger! If you look on Instagram, bloggers build the image of themselves sitting at their IKEA desk, typing away on their laptops producing wonderful content. That is not me! Now, I have never considered myself a “good blogger”. I never update regularly, my posts are often and varied. And whilst I might have the messy hair and live in yoga pants, like a stereotypical blogger. I have always struggled to find a happy blogging schedule. Ultimately, I think of myself as a bad blogger.


This month, I am aiming to focus some time on my blog. I don’t want to do a rebrand but I might have a bit of a re-design if I have time. Instead, I want to focus on sorting out everything behind the scenes. Update my about me page, edit my privacy policy and trying to find a blogging schedule that suits me.

Firstly, this morning I tackled my drafts! I had over a dozen posts sitting in the draft folder. Whilst, none of them are ready for me to hit the publish button. It’s not that they are bad posts it’s that they just aren’t quite ready yet and need some extra work. It could be that the posts need photos, graphics or just editing. Of course, that has lead to yet more issues!

To give an example, there are some photos of the Game of Thrones tapestry we saw in Belfast, just waiting for words. Alternatively, the write-up of the Wonder Woman Wrap I knitted which needs photos. The thing is these were posts I planned earlier in the year. And I am wondering if anyone will want in reading these posts now. It has been months after we went to Northern Ireland or after I knitted the shawl (which was a very popular knitting project earlier year).

The oldest post in my drafts folder was one about the evolution of Batgirl, which I wrote in Manila, way back in October 2016! This might not be relevant at the moment, but could be when the Batgirl movie is released! For me, it was a labour of love piece which I hoped to turn into a series. Do I delete it? Or wait until it comes relevant? Or post it now?

The Plan

Secondly, I figured I would devise a plan of action! Whilst, I will never be the type of blogger who updates regularly, I would like to blog more. I am not suited to updating on a set day or writing a weekly regular series. So I need to find a happy medium. My aim is to focus on set areas and develop content around those sections. Trying to publish twice a week over the summer months. My plan so far involves…

  • Work on more Geek Girls to London Guides.
    I have a few ideas for more posts and am hoping to find more inspiration over the summer.
  • Start a “Knitting Natter” series to write more about my knitting projects.
    This blog originally started as a knitting blog, I have been knitting more lately and would love to write about my creations.
  • Complete more of the Five Fandom Friday posts.
    I joined 5FF very late and so missed so many posts, but I have a list of some of the prompts I’d like to talk about.
  • Re-start the monthly round-up posts.
    I used to love doing”currently” updates, but I also like the idea of doing a “monthly must haves” or “things I love this month” type post. So I have to find a way to incorporate these into the blog.

Do you have a blogging schedule or just write when you feel like it?
Do you have any blogging tips to encourage me to write more often?
Is there anything you would like me to write about?

Let me know in the comments below!


Featured Image from Pixabay.