5FF: Goals for 2017


Goals for 2017

1. Read More

Finding time to read seems like a luxury. The truth is I choose to spend time online and not read. In the mornings I reach for my phone to check social media than to read a book. Even whilst travelling on public transport I will play on my phone. When I could be reading. Last year, I tried to do a reading challenge and I found it awkward to meet the criteria of each challenge. So this year, I have signed up to the Goodreads challenge aiming to read 24 books in the year.

2. Learn More

It has been years since I left full-time education, But I still love to learn. In the last 15 years, I have self-taught myself several programming languages and learnt how to use Photoshop from online tutorials. I have taken courses on coding and other software applications. Last year before buying my DSLR, I did a basic photography course. This year will be no different. I want to continue to learn and possibly go back to formal education.

3. Take More Photos


Since getting a DSLR camera last year, I have tried to take more photos. I love taking part in the 6 on 6 challenge last year (I will be uploading my last photos of the year next week). This year, I want to explore more with my camera and take more photos.

4. Blog More

I have had this blog for years, I never take it too seriously. It is just my little corner of the internet for me to talk about my knitting or fangirling. Last year, for the first time I used an editorial calendar to create blog posts. I enjoy writing regular features (like the Five Fandom Friday). This year, I want to continue with that momentum. Each day I want to set aside time to devote to my blog. Be it editing photos, creating graphics, writing, or networking within my blogging communities.

5. Spend more time with friends IRL

We all lead hectic lives. I sometime find it hard to meet with my friends. It is easy to keep in contact with friends through social media and messaging. But it is nice to meet up face to face, to have a gossip or laugh! This year, one of my goals is to spend time with my friends, even if it is just for a coffee and chat!


Thank you The Nerdy Girlie & Super Space Chick for creating Fandom Friday check out their blogs for more information. Or follow the #fandom5 or #5fandomfriday on Twitter.

Featured Image from Pixabay.