I really need to get better at writing my 100 Cups of Coffee stories. Here we are over three-quarters of the way through the project in the Spring of 2017. This spring features some glorious clear days but was still a little cooler. So whilst it was the ideal time to take photos, it still wasn’t quite frappuccino weather.
As I mentioned for coffee number 75. I love going to the earlier screening in the cinema. Swapping fizzy drink for a coffee and the popcorn for an almond croissant. The film I was most excited to see in the spring was Beauty and the Beast.
There were a lot of amazing clear days in March. Perfect for taking photos the spring blossom and wisteria. Did you see all the photos on Instagram? Wisteria hysteria definitely hit London. Photos of pink and purple flowers covered my feed, I also saw some photos taken at this cute café in a nearby park. The place has with chunky wooden tables, eclectic chairs and jam jars filled with fresh flowers.
London has such a vibrant coffee scene. One of the reasons I wanted to the 100 cups of coffee project was to visit more of these coffee shops. When you are in certain areas they are coffee shops you have to visit. Monmouth in Borough Market, Farm Girl in Notting Hill and Soho Grind if you are in Carnaby Street.
I meet up with Ling for a morning coffee, as she wanted to bounce around some ideas for an advertising campaign for Whimzy Yarn. We arranged to meet in our favourite coffee shop but discovered all the tables were full, We have been recommending it to too many people. Instead, we tried a new bakery in our neighbourhood.
Finally, at the end of May, the weather warmed up making it iced coffee season. Starbucks seemed to have upped their summer menu this year. With Nitro Cold Brew, and iced teas, in the UK we didn’t get the unicorn frappuccino, so I can’t comment on that drink. Of course, this was all before the ice scandal.
What is #100cupsofcoffee? You can read about the project here.
You can see all the photos from the #100cupsofcoffee project on Instagram.
Featured Image from Pixabay.