The main problem with having a knitting blog is if you stop knitting your blog becomes dormant! In recent years my knitting has become very stagnant, toys for newborn babies, a beret in the winter and occasionally a shawl.
It’s not that I don’t enjoy knitting anymore. It’s more
When I started this blog back in 2005 my knitting lifestyle was very different. I would participate in knitalongs, take part in Secret Pal Swaps. My blog was a useful place for me to keep notes about my knitting projects. Then I joined Sock Clubs and started going to knit nights. All of this gave me something to write about.
This, of course, was before Ravelry. Now, it is easier for me to jot down a few notes on my Ravelry project page. Rather than, writing a whole long blog post. It’s also more useful to the knitting community to have the notes there rather on my blog. As a photo is worth 1000 words it’s easier to upload a photo to Instagram with a few hashtags. Then to have a special photo shoot, and edit my photos. Before uploading them to the blog and write several hundred words about them.
I know this sounds like a “Social Media has killed my Blog” post. But that’s not necessarily the case. Truthfully, it is more a case of social media has made it easier for me to share my knitting and crafts in other ways. I guess what I am honestly saying is I’m too lazy to blog!
I love this blog, it’s my little place on the web. My husband brought me this domain over 10 years ago to practice my newly developed HTML/PHP skills. Soon after, I added WordPress to the hosting and my blog was born. Over the years I have played around with layouts, themes, and plugins. I don’t want to give up this blog, I’m looking for ways to incorporated it more into my life and to encourage me to blog more.

Featured Image from Pixabay.