When uploading these photos for the #100cupsofcoffee project to Instagram, I messed up the numbering. So I have added these in the order they happened, which doesn’t tally with the little number icons.
As I mentioned in my last 100 cups of coffee update, whilst in the Philippines. I use to pop to Starbucks every afternoon for 4 p.m. caffeine fix. All the travelling I did in October, gave me the ideal time to catch up with my reading. Ideal for travelling was The Good Immigrant, as the short essays where easy to dip into whilst waiting to board a plane or riding on a shuttle bus.
In Manila and Gibraltar, the cafes we used to have breakfast in served coffee in tiny cups. In London I have a large mug or “venti” cup with my breakfast. As a result I found in Manila, I needed several cups each morning to get my coffee buzz!
When I returned home in London, autumn was definitely here! My uniform for the Fall Season in 2016, became my “Her Universe” bomber jacket and a Pumpkin Spiced Latte!
At the end of October we were lucky enough to get tickets to the Doctor Strange Fan Screening in Leicester Square. Before the screening of the movie, the director and movie’s cast (including Benedict Cumberbatch.) did a short introduction.
When I discovered my local Starbucks had run out of Pumpkin Spice syrup at the before the end of October. It meant I didn’t get a P.S.L. on my birthday! So when I discovered another branch still had syrup in November. I took the opportunity to enjoy my last P.S.L. of the season.
What is #100cupsofcoffee? You can read about the project here.
You can see all the photos from the #100cupsofcoffee project on Instagram.
Featured Image from Pixabay.