I had seen The Geeky Girl Tag posted on a few blogs last year and I always intended to join in. Yet, for some reason, I never got around to filling in the questions. Last month Heather from Just Geeking By, posts a list of 10 Tags for Bloggers. So I figured I would use this as my cue to finally join in. (And, do a few more Blog Tags over this year). Zombie Goddess Beauty originally created The Geeky Girl Tag. If you haven’t already joined it. “Tag you are it!” The questions are at the end of the post.
The Geeky Girl Tag
1. What is your must-have tech gadget?
I guess the gadget I use the most is my iPhone, so I’m guessing that makes it my must-have gadget. Like most people, I use my phone to keep in touch with people, but never actually call anyone! I always text and use social media. I also use my phone to take photos, keep organised, listen to music and play games!
2. Which house do you belong to in Hogwarts?
Ravenclaw. I took The Storing Hat Quiz on Pottermore test twice. The first time, I got Gryffinfor and I was unhappy with my results, I felt it was completely wrong. I have never considered myself brave or courageous. Although I have been called stubborn a lot. So I guess this could be mistaken for determination! The second time I took the test I was sorted into Ravenclaw, which I think is a much better fit. I also retook the Patronus test which changed from a bloodhound to a dolphin.
3. Who is your favourite Doctor?
It has to be Eleven (Matt Smith)! I love all the modern Doctors, and of course, I can’t wait to see Thirteen. But overall, I love the childish nature of Eleven. Similarly, I loved all the companions Eleven had, the Ponds, Craig and especially Clara.
4. If you could have dinner with any fictional character, who would it be?
It would have to be with a detective so I could pick their brain. With this in mind, my first choice was Sherlock Holmes. But thinking about it his social awkwardness wouldn’t make him a fun dinner guest. Then I thought Jessica Fletcher (I adore Murder She Wrote), but as most her dinner companions get murdered, or accused of murder I decided against that. Therefore, I am picking Batman! In fact, I would love to have dinner with the whole Bat-Family.
5. What is your gaming system of choice?
I prefer portable game systems. At the moment I play a lot of games on my iPad however, I do still love my old Nintendo 3DS, especially as I love re-playing puzzle games like Professor Layton series.
6. If you had a superpower, what would it be?
Teleportation. I thought about flying so I could see the world. But with teleportation, I could take people with me and more luggage when I travelled. Think of all the possibilities. You could pop to Japan to buy comics, teleport some friends to Disneyland for the day. Or spend the evening having dinner in Italy. Of course, I would also use my power for good like rescuing people from natural disasters.
7. What is your favourite fantasy world?
The Star Wars Universe. There are so many planets from Star Wars I would love to visit, such as Naboo or Mandalore. In reality, as I am a city girl at heart, ultimately, I think I would end up spending most of my time on Coruscant.
8. If you could be any fictional race, what would you be?
If you had asked me this last year, I would have been stumped. Jedi isn’t really a race and I’m not sure what race from Star Wars world I would have wanted to be part of. As you would expect since seeing Black Panther I now want to be a Wakandan!
9. Star Trek or Star Wars?
Star Wars all the way!
10. List your top 5 geektastic movies or TV Series.
Star Wars
Marvel Cinematic Universe (movies and TV shows)
Game of Thrones
Harry Potter
11. List your top 5 favourite video games.
The Professor Layton series
The Sims
Animal Crossing (I am loving the Pocket Camp iOS version)
Pokemon Go (I started playing again this summer and am loving it again).
Candy Crush Saga (sorry I have to include it, I’m addicted)
The Geeky Girl Tag Questions:
1. What is your must-have tech gadget?
2. Which house do you belong to in Hogwarts?
3. Who is your favourite Doctor?
4. If you could have dinner with any fictional character, who would it be?
5. What is your gaming system of choice?
6. If you had a superpower, what would it be?
7. What is your favourite fantasy world?
8. If you could be any fictional race, what would you be?
9. Star Trek or Star Wars?
10. List your top 5 geektastic movies or TV Series.
11. List your top 5 favourite video games.