A few weeks ago I wrote about my dream knitting land. Where I would spend my evenings seated in a window seat under a handmade quilt. (In my dream world I can sew as well). I would knit whilst watching my favourite TV shows. Drink hot chocolate from our local coffee shop, I guess I am dreaming they would have some sort of home delivery service just for me.
Again my real life is very different. After the fiasco of casting on my sock. I was a little more organised when it came to knitting the sock. During the day, I had managed to take a few photographs of my sock and the yarn. Plus I finally printed out the pattern, instead of just using my iPad. So before knitting, I sit down to enter the details of my project into Ravelry. Of course, this leads to a 90 minutes session. Of my reading forums and looking at other people’s projects. During which time, I noticed a lot of people have been adding a new shawl pattern to their queue. Briefly, I think about casting that on. But realised, that I never wear the shawls I have knitted, so think that’s a bad idea.
I turn off the laptop, set up Netflix and continue knitting. I realised the pattern, is one of those great patterns that
I paused for a bit to make myself a cup of tea and grab a snack from the fridge. Then I get back to the knitting, but this stage I have a nice groove going on and happily knitting away for a while. Only to stop and silently scream at Netflix when it asks “Are you still watching…” Finally, I had watched 5 episodes of a show, it’s gone
Featured Image from Pixabay.