Next up in my Everyday Cosplay to mark the release of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Is Director Krennic, one of the villains from the movie. The Star Wars films have a history of great villains, and I think Orson Krennic will join this rank.
Rogue One Everyday Cosplay
Jyn Erso || K-2SO
Director Krennic
As villians Kylo Ren, Captian Phasma, and Darth Vader as amongst fan favourites. In turn their characters have produced some of the greatest cosplay. Some of the best cosplay I saw at Star Wars Celebrations were Spider Maul ( Cyborg Darth Maul), and “Matt the Technician” aka Kylo Ren.
As I said I think Director Krennic will become one of great Star Wars villains. The ambitious head of the Imperial Research Division, his costume is similar to that of the Grand Moff uniforms from A New Hope. His Imperial uniform is cream instead of grey with the addition of the amazing cape.

Brooch // Gloves // Tunic // Cape // Boots // Belt // Trousers
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