5 Films I’m excited about in 2019, part 2

In the 1990s, the big summer films were mainly released over the summer. However, in more recent years, The blockbusters are released throughout the year. Marvel has always released their biggest movie in May (or April like it was this year). Even DC is not releasing a superhero movie this summer. But, that doesn’t mean there’s a shortage of great movies to get excited about over the summer. And a lot of them have the 1990s feel to them. With all that in mind, these are the movies I am eager to see that are released between May and September of this year.

5 Summer Films I’m excited about in 2019

1. Pokémon: Detective Pikachu (May 10th)

Pokémon was a massive craze in the 1990s starting out with the game, then the trading cards and anime. Of course, new fans were introduced to the franchise after the Pokémon Go phenomena. As someone who loved the anime series and still plays Pokémon Go. I cannot wait for this movie. The trailer looks amazing and I cannot wait to see more of my favourite Pokémon brought to life.

2. Men in Black: International (June 14th)

The original Men in Black movies are classic examples of the big summer blockbuster from the 1990s! So I love that the reboot, Men in Black: International also has a summer release date. Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson had amazing chemistry in Thor: Ragnarok and I can’t wait to see this dynamic in another franchise.

3. Toy Story 4 (June 21st)

What is the summer without a Disney family film? And this year, we are in for a real treat, the fourth Toy Story movie. A franchise that started in the 1990s. And whilst, Toy Story 3 did feel like the end of the franchise, with a happy (but also tearful) ending. I cannot wait to see what adventures Buzz, Woody and the gang get up to this year. I know we did get a brief glimpse toy’s life with Bonnie in the short Christmas Special, but it will be fun to have a full-length adventure. Also the new toys, Ducky and Bunny look amazing.

4. Spider-Man: Far From Home (July 5th)

The final movie from the Infinity Saga crossover from Marvel Studios. I have no idea when this movie is set or even if it will continue on from Avengers: Endgame. I am just excited to see another Marvel movie on the big screen! When Spider-Man: Homecoming was released I was a little concerned about yet another reboot of the Spider-Man story. However, Tom Holland is amazing in the role. And the movie definitely had that MCU magic. I am sure the sequel will be more of the same.

5. Lion King (July 19th)

Of course, one of the most popular Disney cartoons from the 1990s is the animated version of the Lion King. I know a lot of people don’t like the live action version of the classic Disney cartoon, But I love them! Lion King has always been my favourite Disney movie. I am lucky enough to have seen the West End play twice and that adaption completely blew me away. So I cannot wait to see this adaption, from the trailers the scenery looks amazing!

So there it is the Five Films I am excited about released over the summer of 2019.
What films are you excited about that are released this summer?
What is your favourite movie from the 1990s?
Don’t forget to check out part one of this series.

Five Fandom Friday

Five Fandom Friday was originally created by The Nerdy Girlie & Super Space Chick. You can read all my Five Fandom Friday Posts here. Or follow #fandom5 or #5fandomfriday on Twitter.

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