March 2021

March 2021 Update

Time for a quick update on what has kept me entertained in March 2021. It was a strange month as I could seem to concentrate on one thing for very long. As a result, I started reading a lot of books. Cast on a lot of new knitting patterns. And ended up re-watching TV shows rather than starting something new.

Currently Listening To

I received an advanced copy of Clint Brownlee’s book about this classic 90s album. And before I started reading the book I wanted to listen to the album again! Quickly I started reliving my youth and reminiscing about the Pearl Jam concerts I went to in the late 90s. This in turn has lead to a massive 90s music revival for me this month. As I am also listening to the Riot Grrl and 90s Rock Alternative playlists on Spotify.

Currently Watching

The Falcon and The Winter Solider

One thing I have loved in 2021 is watching the new Marvel TV shows on Disney+. I have settled into a routine on Friday morning of waking up earlier so at 8 am. So I can sit down catch up on the next instalment of WandaVision or The Falcon and The Winter Solider. Then I spend the next hour googling all the Easter eggs and looking for theories online.

The Good Place

As I mentioned, I have had issues concentrating this month. So I have opted to rewatch some of my favourite comedy shows. It started with The Good Place and now Brooklyn 99.

Currently Reading

The Rage of Dragons Evan Winter

I think most people who read A Song of Ice and Fire books are looking for that next amazing fantasy book series. This first book is the closest I have come to finding another epic fantasy book. In The Rage of Dragons, the Omehi are fighting an unwinnable war against the Xiddeen. The Omehi culture is built around war, with a caste system created to train warriors. Some are born gifted with the ability to call dragons. Other with the ability to transform into a bigger stronger fighter. The rest are Lessers, born as fodder for the great war. The book follows Tau a young Lesser boy as a series of events set him on the path to training to be the greatest swordsman

Sam Wilson: Not My Captain America

As I said, I have loved watching The Falcon and The Winter Soldier this month. But I didn’t know anything about Sam Wilson’s time as Captain America in the comics. So, this month I decided to read the original comics. Starting with Sam Wilson: Not My Captain America

Currently Playing

I’ve not played any games over the last few weeks. The truth is Pokemon Go is boring whilst in lockdown. I miss going for Poke-walks or meeting up with friends to play. Plus, there are too many in-game events at the moment. Trying to keep up is becoming overwhelming and repetitive. Similarly, Animal Crossing isn’t as much fun as it was at the start. I don’t seem to be enjoying the game as much as I did last year. So, this month I have toyed with the idea of re-starting my island.

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