I was very excited last year when The Sartorial Geek brought back the Five Friday Fandom. These prompts were some of my favourite type of blog posts to write. I did a few of the prompt early last year. And I did fully intend on continuing to follow the prompts throughout the year. However, with the pandemic and my lack of motivation, I stopped in March. But I wanted to re-start this year and seeing as April is all Marvel themed prompts. I decided this is the ideal time to re-start. The first prompt I’m writing about is My Five Favourite MCU moments.
Spoiler Warning!
This post will be discussing the MCU over the last ten years.
So please be aware this post contains spoilers.
Five Favourite MCU moments
1. Steve Rogers becoming Captain America (Captain America: First Avenger)
Due to the amazing CGI technology in the first part of Captain America: First Avenger. When we first see Steve Rogers, he is a scrawny man desperate to join the army. A young man who will not back down from bullies and wants to fight in the war. But who’s body and health have failed him. This scene is after he has proven his worth to become a Super Soldier, after Steve’s injections of the Super Soldier Serum. When he appears for the first time as Captain America and Peggy Carter’s reaction is the same as most of the audience.
2. Baby Groot Dancing (Guardians of the Galaxy)
Mid and End-Credit scenes are a staple of MCU movies, with fun Easter Eggs for the fans. My favourite is the Baby Groot scene from Guardians of the Galaxy. After scarifying himself to save his fellow Guardians in the battle against Ronan. Groot dies, destroying his body so all that remain is twigs. At the end of the movie, we see Rocket holding one of these twigs in a plant pot. But it isn’t until the end credit scene we see the newly sprout Baby Groot dancing to a Jackson Five’s song.
3. Killmonger Challenges T’Challa (Black Panther)
In Black Panther, Killmonger brings the criminal Klaw back to Wakanda. But, the Border Tribe also capture him and present him to the Elders in the Throne Room. Killmonger questions why the Wakandans are not helping Black people around the world. Arguing the Vibranium weapons from Wakanda could help empower others with ancestors from Africa. When the elders’ question what authority Killmonger has in Wakanda. He goads them into revealing who he is. The scene ends with the classic line “Hey Auntie!”
4. The God of Thunder Scene (Thor Ragnarok)
All great Superhero movies include an amazing entrance scene, and the MCU has some of the best. Thor has two of my favourite entrances. One is his arrival in Wakanda in The Avengers: Infinity War. And the other is the one I am including here, his entrance onto the Bifrost in Thor Ragnarok. After his sister, Hela destroys his Hammer and overthrows Thor as leader of Asgard. Thor is close to defeat but after a quick pep talk from his dad, reminding him he is the God of Thunder Thor returns to the fight. But what makes this scene epic is the use of “The Immigrant Song” as the soundtrack.
5. The Portals (The Avengers: Endgame)
My all-time favourite MCU moment in the cinema is the Portal scene in The Avengers: Endgame. As Captain America, Iron Man and Thor are close to being beaten by Thanos. Captain America hears a familiar voice in his ear. It’s Sam saying, “On Your Left” a hark back to when they met running in Washington DC. What follows are Portals opening all around our heroes, as they are joined on the battlefield by Avengers returning from The Blip. The scene ends with Captain America uttering the infamous phrase “Avengers Assemble!”
Bonus: Captain America lifts Mjolnir (The Avengers: Endgame)
It was so hard for me to stick to five favourite MCU moments. So, I am adding a bonus, mini moment! The scene during the epic battle at the end of Endgame when Steve Rogers lifts Mjolnir. The Avengers: Age of Ultron hints that Captain America could be worthy to lift Thor’s hammer. But it isn’t until the end battle in The Avengers: Endgame that we see him wield the hammer. The initial joy of this moment increased when we see Thor’s joy of seeing his friend is also worthy!

The Nerdy Girlie & Super Space Chick originally created Five Fandom Friday.
It was re-introduced by Jordan Ellis for The Sartorial Geek in 2020.
The prompts for 2023 can be found at The Sartorial Geek.
You can read all my Five Fandom Friday Posts here.