I’m extremely behind writing up about my 100 cups of
As Ling was testing out a new base yarn for her Whimzy yarn collection. She asked me if I would knit her up a sample for a knitting show in November. I picked a really simple pattern which I managed to knit up in several afternoons. All fuelled by lots of coffee.
For the final episode of The Great British Bake-Off (that seems so long ago). We continued our tradition of having cakes whilst watching TV. Once again I was too busy to bake so I popped to the local American bakery for some brownies and cheesecake. They have this amazing counter – which is extremely
One of the great things about having the Starbucks app is early access to the “Holiday” drinks. This was my first gingerbread latte of the season. Before the red cup became so newsworthy. Normally I don’t like cream on my drinks – but the new gingerbread cream was amazing!
Red cup season also marks the end of pumpkin spice latte season ☹️. T
What is #100cupsofcoffee? You can read about the project here.
You can see all the photos from the #100cupsofcoffee project on Instagram.
Featured Image from Pixabay.