I recently upgraded my camera to a DSLR. The day it arrived I started taking photos of everything around my bed. The first thing I photographed was my Captain Phasma figure, she has since become my model for playing with new techniques or lenses!
When I posted my 6 on 6 photos in January (white), I mentioned I could post a photo of Converse shoes every month. These are my newest pair and the first pair that have ever given me a blister!
I tend to use this glitter nail polish for a faux accent nail. Or over the holiday period for some festive sparkle to my nails. But I couldn’t resist doing the “painted nails and nail bottle in hand” shot.
One of my non-geeky collections is this accidental collection of State Quarters from America. I have 39 of the 50 collected over several trips to the States. Hawaii is the State I most want to visit. The Connecticut coin is my favourite and New York is the last place I visited across the pond.
The obvious thing for me to photo with a silver theme is jewellery. I fell in love with this necklace when I saw it online. As it’s the same as one Black Widow wears in a Captain America: Winter Soldier. Unfortunately, it was sold out. But my darling husband phoned around stores in England and managed to track down for as a gift for me.
I have several charm bracelets. They help express my personality on my wrist, most of the charms have been gifts. My newest charm is the BB-8 one, the Nemo is to express my infertility. (As Nemo was the only good egg). And the pumpkin for my birthday at Halloween.

6 on 6 is a monthly photography challenge started by the Scruffy Little Nerd Herder #6on6